
Valheim How To Keep Boat Safe

Viking survival game Valheim crafts a beautiful and dangerous globe that encourages players to wander far from domicile to discover the treasures and dangers beyond the horizon. And nowhere is the player more temped to travel than in the open ocean. The vast expanse of water promises unexplored worlds beyond your shore and begs y'all to conquer it. Simply such a voyage is treacherous and you lot might not be sure what to wait.

This guide will walk you through all the basics you need to be a true sailing Viking and what you might encounter while you're out at that place.

Other Valheim guides: Beginning, Building, Hunting, Getting Statuary

Raft Punk

While yous'll almost immediately learn to build a raft in Valheim, information technology is not recommended that you employ it to explore the oceans. Although relatively cheap, it is flimsy and slow and liable to go you lot in serious problem far from state.

That'due south not to say that they don't have any use, though. Rafts can exist groovy for coastal exploration or as a ferry crossing over broad rivers and lakes, but they should not be used to venture far from shore or into the Ocean Biome.

Instead, you should effort and contain your inner naval explorer until you can build a Karve. This more than studier vessel even comes with storage space to operate as a courier or to agree your arrows if y'all're out hunting. It can take more impairment and move faster with the wind, making it a much more ideal vessel to venture into the Ocean and make it back to land in one slice.

Making a Karve does require some statuary nails, though, fourscore in fact, which means you'll demand to smelting statuary earlier you can begin construction (and have four statuary bars to spare). It as well requires Fine Wood, which means you'll demand a statuary ax to chop down Birch or Oak trees. There are quite a few atmospheric condition to become this arts and crafts, to be certain, but it'll be worth it when you're able to kickoff isle hopping at speed and with less risk.

One final note on building your boat. In one case it's complete, you might want to build a dock or at to the lowest degree get into the habit of mark the vessel'south location on your map.

Plain Sailing

Now that yous've got your watercraft set to go, you'll take to learn how to actually sail the thing. Sailing isn't complicated in Valheim, but the mechanics feel quite unlike to running around and so information technology tin can exist a niggling disorienting at first.

Once you're on board, and in that location's a niggling ladder that lets y'all climb up from the waterline, you lot'll want to grab the rudder to gain command over the ship. Your yellow Vikings might desire to grab the mast or sit on the benches while traveling, since falling into the open up body of water is more than than a little unsafe.

Y'all'll find that the Karve has 3 forrard speeds that can exist adjusted with the Westward fundamental. Out on the waves, y'all'll want to exist moving at meridian speed, but as you approach the land, you'll need to tedious downwardly to dock safely, especially in high winds. There'south fifty-fifty a unmarried reversing speed for if your send gets a little defenseless up in the reeds or rocks effectually the coast.

And you'll need to start paying attention to the wind as well, but the game handily shows a large map of the air current's direction every bit presently equally you take the rudder. You don't have to worry about your sails, they will automatically conform to catch as much wind as possible, just you'll still move faster with the current of air at your back.

In Valheim, sailing straight into the air current will becalm your boat, forcing yous to crawl painfully boring through the h2o or non movement at all. The current of air changes direction every couple of minutes, and your objective might sometimes be right behind the breeze.

To avoid this, endeavour the ancient art of tacking, which works surprisingly well in Valheim. Instead of traveling (or not traveling) in a straight line towards the air current, zigzag left and right of air current to catch some speed and head roughly in the correct management. Information technology doesn't get you there as quickly every bit some lucky air current will, but it does get you there.

And then in that location is steering, which is pretty uncomplicated. Use the A and D keys to plow left and right, with the turning circle dictated by the air current and sail speed. But it is important to recall to rotate the rudder back to neutral once y'all have aligned your boat. Leave it, and yous will be left in a circle. The game will show which manner you have turned, so it is like shooting fish in a barrel enough to make sure you're pointing forward, but you can sometimes forget.

As a concluding slice of communication for sailing, be careful when disembarking your ship. You might want to stop away from the shore for several different reasons, merely make certain you have plenty stamina to swim inland. You don't want to exist defenseless beyond the point of no return without enough nutrient in your belly to make it the rest of the way in that location.

What to Practice With The Drunken Sailor

Once yous go to the new shore, information technology'due south upward to you what yous desire to exercise. Still, there are a few tricks you can take with you to brand the new isle more than friendly. All the same, the get-go thing you lot should exercise is scout the state immediately around your landing for whatever specially unsafe creatures or valuable appurtenances. Trolls might be present that could pose a threat. Also, check what biome you are in every bit well. If you've accidentally sailed into a swamp, y'all might want to turn around until you lot've defeated the Elder.

One time you've got the lay of the land, you'll want to make certain you can come back here. At a minimum, you'll want to create a small room with a bed and nearby fire and so you tin respawn here if the worst should happen. It might be that this isle is slightly exterior your comfort level, but yous'll still desire to be able to have your gunkhole dorsum to home base if that's the example. If all goes well, your little tent might evolve into a total-diddled settled town as you brainstorm to conquer Valheim.

The more expensive option upon landing on a new shore is to build a portal for yourself. While you won't exist able to bring dorsum metallic from the new world, and someone might have to sail the boat back, this will greatly increase the speed you lot can travel between the islands and help build a unified network of towns that can be exploited by the adventurers going forward.

Portals require two Surtling Cores besides as Greydwarf Optics and Fine Forest, making them probably one of the most expensive things you build when you first begin exploring. If you lot want to practice this, sentry the land thoroughly before putting downward the Portal and make sure it has everything yous need to make such an expensive structure worth it.

Here At that place Be Monsters

There is merely i monster plant in the Ocean Biome, only that does non mean the ocean is a condom place to explore in Valheim. The Body of water Serpent is a huge snake-like creature that goes instantly hostile. It seems to announced more regularly in storms than at whatever other time just can spawn at whatsoever fourth dimension within the Ocean Biome, requiring Viking sailors to always be vigilant.

Thankfully, information technology doesn't stray besides far from its starting location, then yous can try to escape its wraith should one spawn while you lot are unprepared. Otherwise, information technology tin can easily destroy a raft and, although slowly, will happily destroy a Karve unless you tin impale it commencement or flee the area.

Fighting this particular brute is best done with arrows since swimming is already such a drain on your stamina. You'll desire a Finewood Bow and at least flint arrows to offset doing reasonable impairment to information technology. More importantly, you lot should not engage with a Sea Serpent on your ain. If you are acting equally a lone explorer or courier, flee when 1 such beast presents itself.

More avant-garde players might start to chase Sea Serpents for their meat and scales, often in a Longship with Deep-sea Harpoons to command the best, but until that point, consider the beast a force of nature not to be battled merely to be respected.


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