
How To Keep My Dog From Shedding So Much

Do you wear your domestic dog'due south pilus to piece of work everyday?

Have you spent hours vacuuming every inch of the business firm?

Dog hair is blight of every canine owner'southward existence. Whether yous have one dog or multiple, we can all relate to the frustration of having dog hair everywhere. Having two dogs myself, I sympathize how aggravating shedding can exist.

Unfortunately, while we cannot stop our dogs from shedding completely, there are some easy tricks we can apply to cutting back on the amount of fur loss.

Why Practice Dogs Shed, Anyway?

Shedding is a completely normal occurrence for near all dogs. There are a number of reasons why dogs shed their fur.

  • Dogs Shed To Grow New Fur. But like humans, dogs accept pilus that is continuously growing. Shedding is the normal turnover of hair, allowing former or damaged hair to exist replaced with new healthy strands which keeps your domestic dog's coat in tip top condition.
  • Dogs Shed When Seasons Change. Shedding is especially evident during the changing of seasons. The transition from a wintertime to summer glaze is usually the time of heaviest fur loss for dogs, so don't fret when your long haired, double-coated domestic dog loses giant clumps of fur come up springtime.
  • Some Breeds Shed More Than Others. While all dogs shed to some degree, there is a significant difference between the amount of fur loss betwixt breeds. Some breeds, similar Poodles and Poodle-mixes, are known for shedding very little. Heavy coated breeds, similar Huskies, volition shed so much that you'll exist surprised that your domestic dog has any fur left.

Shedding stinks – whether you lot're sick of encountering fur all over the firm, hate the idea of domestic dog pilus all over your dress, or are allergic to dog dander, reducing shedding is a big priority for many a domestic dog owner.

There is no such affair equally a dog that does not shed so let'due south learn how to manage it!

How Can I Reduce My Dog'due south Shedding?

how to prevent dog from shedding

In that location are several tricks to making your dog shed less and reducing the amount of fur in your environment:

Grooming Goes A Long Way. The easiest fashion to reduce the corporeality of fur loss is to make certain that you groom your domestic dog regularly. Frequent brushing allows y'all to loosen and remove the unhealthy hair and disperse natural oils.

This results in a shiny, healthy coat that you and your canine tin both be proud of!

Don't Pass up Bath Time. Bathing is also useful for stopping excessive canis familiaris shedding. The lathering motions will free the loose hair, which is and then washed away equally you rinse.

For optimum results, castor your dog on a weekly footing. Bathing, on the other hand, should only exist performed every i to three months .

In this video, a vet suggests some techniques for how to reduce your dog's shedding. We cover the same topics hither, simply it'southward still nice to hear it straight from a vet!

What Are The Best Grooming Tools?

Choosing the right training equipment tin be a very difficult process. At that place are many different dog grooming brushes available, and each has its own specific purpose.

Ideally, it's best to consult with a groomer before buying any preparation tools, as each breed and glaze type has specific needs .

Here are a few tried and true grooming tools that help reduce shedding:

  • Furminator : The Furminator is by far my favorite brush. This tool comes with a guarantee that it volition reduce shedding past up to 90%.
  • ZoomGroom : The Kong ZoomGoom features a curry comb fashion brush that is great for removing loose hairs. Information technology besides dually works as a massaging tool to keep your dog feeling his best.
  • Slicker Brush: Slicker brushes work well for dogs with thicker coats and undercoats. They help release tangles and get together loose hair.
  • Shedding Blade: Dog shedding blades characteristic a metal loop band with small serrated teeth on i side. The teeth are brushed against your domestic dog's coat, removing loose pilus with each swipe. Blades are all-time for dogs that do not have very long coats.
  • Glove Brushes: Glove brushes are ideal for dogs with brusk coats. These remove loose fur and massage your dog'south skin to aid disperse oils and better circulation. They also are a groovy fashion to bail with your dog while you groom him, providing a mini massage.
  • Grooming Table. Depending on how often you lot brush your dog, you may desire to consider a dog grooming table. The table lets your domestic dog sit up higher, making brushing more manageable for yous then that you lot aren't forced to hunch over.
  • Flowbee. The Flowbee for Dogs is a vacuum attachment that besides functions as a clipper, cutting your canis familiaris's fur while sucking information technology upward into the vacuum for easy, mess-free grooming sessions.

You Are What You Eat: How Diet Affects A Canis familiaris's Shedding

Diet is ane of the biggest culprits for causing excessive shedding.

fromm gold dog food

I always enquire for information about a dog's diet when owners believe their dog is shedding too much. A poor quality or unbalanced nutrition will negatively touch the appearance of the coat and exhibit these signs:

  • Tedious/Dry coat
  • Excessive shedding
  • Dandruff

These problems can be hands rectified past switching your dog's diet to a higher quality, healthy dog food.

This switch should always be performed every bit a dull transition to forbid digestive upset. Over the course of a week, y'all will slowly increment the ratio of old food to new food.

Dehydration will also cause a dog's hair to become dry and breakable, which leads to breakage and excessive shedding.

Make sure your dog always has access to unlimited amounts of clean water and is drinking enough.

If you suspect your domestic dog isn't taking in every bit many liquids as they should, yous may want to consider an automatic dog watering bowl, which can provide your pup with a continuous stream of fresh, clean h2o that can be more appetizing that old standing water.

Can Supplements Help Prevent My Pooch From Shedding?

There are tons of supplements on the market that claim to help improve coat quality. Among the best are:

  • Omega half dozen Fatty Acids : These fatty acids are most commonly institute in your domestic dog's diet. They are essential for expert coat quality and if your dog does not go enough of these in his food, his coat may suffer. Information technology is commonly unnecessary to supplement Omega 6 Fatty Acids because of the high amount in dog nutrient and treats.
  • Omega iii Fatty Acids : This is the virtually common supplement to boost coat quality. These supplements are usually derived from fish oils and are highly palatable. Look for pharmaceutical quality supplements, like Ascenta . Omega 3 fatty acids too back up joint, heart, and allowed wellness.

It is of import to recall that these supplements do not piece of work immediately. It can take 3 to 4 months to see visible results. Recall to discuss the right dosage with your veterinary because information technology is possible to cause problems by giving too much.

How Can I Reduce the Amount of Fur in my Home?

When we share our homes with animals, we inevitably share it with their fur too. I'chiliad sure in that location isn't a single spot in my abode that is free from pet fur.

Luckily over the years I take discovered some ways to cut down the corporeality of time I spend cleaning it up.

  • stop shedding dogBrush Your Domestic dog Outside : This will allow any hair not contained within a brush to be whisked away outdoors, rather than getting that free-floating hair all over your couch and furniture.
  • Vacuum Your Dog: With positive training methods, you may exist able to train your dog to let vacuuming. Do this afterwards your weekly brushing to remove loose hairs and dander. You can even grab a dog vacuum brush that can exist fastened to your home vacuum, allowing for easy, mess-complimentary training.
  • Pet Vacuums: Buy a dwelling vacuum specifically designed to pick upwardly pet hair. You will see immense results when compared to your conventional vacuum, as vacuums designed to pick upwards pet pilus tend to be more than powerful and heavy duty than most.
  • Couch Covers: Couch covers arepieces of fabric are designed to protect your upholstery from pet hair and stains. They are easy to have on and off and are automobile washable, making them easy to clean.
  • Machine Covers & Hammocks: Special seat covers and hammocks are made to place a barrier between your dog and your car seats or carpeting, preventing fur from destroying your back seat.
  • Opt For Dog-Friendly Furniture. Sure materials make for improve dog-proof furniture than others, so consider choosing furniture with fabrics that are tough enough to withstand paws and can go on fur off without too much work.

Should I Hire A Groomer To Deal With My Dog's Fur?

Groomers are a wonderful resource if you are not able to groom your dog yourself.

They are specially trained to maintain the coats of almost any breed and can offer dissimilar services that will assist reduce your domestic dog's shedding.

Some de-shedding techniques that groomers might use include:

  • how to stop dog from sheddingThe Blow Out: Groomers volition use a strength dog dryer to help pause up disordered coats and remove loose pilus.

A force dryer is a powerful, industrial grade dryer used by professional groomers to dry dogs more quickly than with a traditional blow dryer. This works exceptionally well for double coated or long-haired dogs.

If you're interested in trying this technique yourself, check out our list of the best dog hair dryers!

  • Shave Down: Shaving your dog's fur completely is never brash. Dogs, especially those with a double coat, crave their fur for insulation and temperature regulation.

By removing their hair completely, they have a harder time maintaining their torso temperature. Sometimes it's used every bit a final resort for matt-covered canines, merely it's all-time to avoid complete shave downs if at all possible.

Could My Dog'due south Shedding Be a Medical Issue?

Shedding is a normal process in dogs, but excessive shedding is not . Arable shedding (more than usual) is typically a clue to an underlying medical trouble that is causing damage to the skin.

We already talked about poor diet, but there are several other causes for this condition.

  • Fleas. These external parasites are among the well-nigh mutual reasons for hair loss in pets. Non merely do flea bites crusade damage to the skin, but they too cause itching. In some animals, this will atomic number 82 to a larger allergic reaction that can cause extreme itchiness and secondary skin infection.

Fleas are easily preventable with the apply flea treatments, usually composed of topical or oral medications. In that location are fifty-fifty natural flea treatments that can be used to keep the niggling buggers at bay.

  • Parasites. Other common external parasites tin cause hair loss, especially mites. Mites are the cause of several forms of mange, which can lead to hair loss all over the torso.
  • Allergies. Chronic inflammation due to allergies leads to itching and damage of the skin. Consider switching to a holistic dog food or using hypoallergenic domestic dog treats.
  • Skin Infections. Similarly to allergies, infections crusade inflammation to the pare which outcome in itchiness. The pathogens tin can besides be responsible for the harm to the skin and pilus follicles.
  • Hormonal Weather condition. Hormonal diseases like Cushing'south or hypothyroidism will lead to thinning of the pilus or patches of hair loss.
  • Stress. Shedding tin can be an involuntary reaction to stress – you may exist surprised at the amount of hair y'all tin see falling off your domestic dog in fearful situations. This is not exactly aberrant, just something owners should be aware of. Get your dog calming signals down and keep an heart on your pooch to encounter what'south stressing him out.
  • Pregnancy/Lactation. Female dogs will often shed an extreme amount of fur during and shortly following pregnancy, with dogs subsequently "blowing their coats" later nativity. This is non an abnormal occurrence, so don't go also nervous if you see this happen!

This is just a curt list of weather condition that tin crusade excessive shedding in dogs. Think, if your domestic dog begins to show signs of thinning hair, y'all should take them seen by a veterinarian.

One of the wonders of being a pet owner is learning to coexist with them and their fur.

Luckily, frequent and proper training, dietary changes, and nutritional supplementation are all effective ways to reduce shedding. Nosotros may non be able to completely eliminate hair loss but we tin brand it manageable!

Every pet owner has their ain method of wrangling the fur. What are your tried and truthful techniques to save your home from the hair?


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